Tuesday, May 1, 2012


 Don't believe anything Kini says. She is in here because she took my Jewish Star.
Honestly, they don't strip search us in here. 


 Yeah. Don't believe anything Kini says This place is just lovely when you need a little relaxation. Safety for your own good.

Welcome To Our Psychiatric Mental Institution hereby called, the "state hospital."

You don't have to go crazy to try our coffee
Does anyone know anyone who the US Government drove crazy? The Oregon State Hospital (Yes, where "One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest" took place) is honoring the Past - There is a list of "Unclaimed Cremains." Oregon officials are trying their best to unite families with cremated remains of deceased patients. http://www.oregon.gov/OHA/amh/osh/cremains.shtml

At our facilities in Oregon, you will be comfortably positioned on the table and fitted with a wrap-arounds.

There are padded cells, electro-shock tables, Draconian restraint devices with leather ... Say the words “lunatic asylum” and many people will get scolded. ... Don't worry if "patients" are savagely beating each other with anything they can get their hands on, no one will believe you if you complain.

You can never differentiate between the doctors and the "patients." Yes, they still have big burly men  who resemble ordinary dufus.

Ordinary citizens can be warehoused in mental institutions. It doesn't take much. If you are a troublemaker or someone compelled to tell the truth, you are considered weak and unable to care for yourself.

Staff from Oregon State Hospital-Portland (POSH) are using a relatively new approach to treatment known as "Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)" in which acceptance is the catalyst for positive change. It is a diabolical concept (hence the name) for mind control techniques.  Using coercive treatment, the "patient" admits to his/her wrong doing and accepts responsibility for their actions.  Many law enforcement officers, agents, and judges have warehoused "perpetrators" when done robbing and using them.

If you like to color and draw and paste magazine pictures in colored paper (no. no. no. no scissors. Not even baby ones.) there is lots of that. Once in a while you get to make stuff out of popsicle sticks.

       New App available 
Discover Anne's Amsterdam in the city on your mobile

 You can discover for yourself Anne Frank's and her contemporaries' stories at thirty special places in the city of Amsterdam with the Anne's Amsterdam mobile application. The Anne Frank House has developed this App with the aim of making the city's wartime history better known. Anne's Amsterdam is available in Dutch, English and German and suitable for smart phones with iOS, Android and WP7. http://www.annefrank.org/

Please report offensive images to:
The leading psychiatric doctor will answer any questions you have. By the way, the video above is not the only one. The rest is "confidential"
Oregon State Hospital - Salem
2600 Center St. NE
Salem, Oregon 97301

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